Mountain Climb 2015We made it! Thank you for all of your amazing generosity and especially to those who joined us on the climb.
Here are some thoughts from Jamie: The climb was an amazing experience. We set off from the hotel in Killarny at 8:45 for the short 30 minute drive to the start of the mountain climb. Following meeting with the guides we embarked on what proved to be one of the steepest parts of the climb but thankfully in excellent weather following localised flooding the preceding day! The weather proved to be favourable for the majority of the day, with the only deterioration when the cloud came in during a particularly anxiety inducing trek along a ridge with a sheer drop on either side, but helpfully hiding the extent of the drop below. Over the course of eight hours we ascended over 1000m before descending down a path on the other side of the mountain. Everyone was in amazing spirits throughout the climb and with the number of rainbows we saw we certainly felt like Thomas was with us for the climb. I've posted many of the photos taken on this page for you all to share in the experience! |